Saturday, November 1, 2008

Human Rights

Nowadays, human rights is being to be forget. Not all the people know's about their rights. Act since we are born to this world, we have a right in anything. Every move, nationality, race and including life protected by human rights. YEah....we have a right to live....Life must be go on..... below is the human rights which is taken from

1.We are all born free and equal
2.Dont discriminate
3.The right to life
4.No slavery
5.No torture
6.We have rights no matter where you go
7.We are equal before the law
8.Your human right protected by law
9.No unfair detainment
10.The right to trial
11.We're always innocent till proven guilty
12.The right to privacy
13.Freedom to move
14.The right to seek a safe place to live
15.Right to a nationality
16.Marriage and family
17.The right to your own things
18.Freedom of thought
19.Freedom of expression
20.Right to public assembly
21.The right to democracy
22.Social security
23.Worker's right
24.The right to play
25.Food and shelter for all
26.The right to education
28.A fair and free world
30.No one can take away your human rights

if u want watch the video, just go to youtube...just type "youth for human right"
then u can find 30 human rights there....
enjoy the clip....

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