Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Confusion...Lost again....must keep focused here...what's wrong?

Hahaha..here we go again with another ranting of miserable me... well, not exactly actually..just wanting to babble about nothing much of the importance of bothering to listen and read anyway...im just to be ignored sometimes..haha
well, u see...confused because...there's just something going on and i don't really know how to react sometimes...something unusual...bold and yet exciting you can say for me...and it's just something i wished i could just try out and experiment...but playing is always not really that of a small matter if it can hurt and responsibility is always there. you always have to take responsibility for your own actions...and therefore... im just concern and confused...maybe it's deciding on something that i must do...discipline mys
elf to control my feelings and to be serious about the consequences of my actions...(im only talking about things that only i would understand...so forget it if you are trying to understand me and know what's going on...coz it's frustrating to figure something that is not that clear in your mind and yet want to find out?!..no one's asking you to be nosy btw?!)

Lost because im not that sure...if it's right or
not...time will tell...time will only tell...common enough?...does the chemistry match?...hrm..what's that molecule called again?...phenol something?...phenolphenalftelein????...hahhahaa..i totally lost it?..forgot what's it called...but somehow?...i just don't really know how it happened?...hrm..im lost with words and lost with ideas...lost with solutions...i m just LOST???!!!...hrm...just have to wait and see..what time will tell me...maybe it's just another fairy tale i suppose... another fantasy...or maybe time will tell...maybe someone will still be waiting or maybe someone will move one...only time will tell. but the question is...is it ever too late by then?...or does chance only comes once
? i really don't know...questions always fills my mind...

Staying focused...yah..there are so many things to stay focus in...so many commitments...so many task to do and duties to fulfill ... the burden is sometimes there...sometimes you just do things out of voluntary service..knowing that you'd just be the one to bring blessings...but sometimes it's just that you wanna show something and give good impressions...sometimes you just dont want to be irresponsible and you wana show that you wont let others down...why?...you just got to be reliable...working und
er pressure sometimes can really tire you.. i just wish i had better time management...hrm...taking a break from it all sometimes gets to you when it bothers you in the middle of it...or maybe it's because you just leave the job hanging around...yah..i really didnt means to but it just had to happen...i just needed a break?!!!! dont you see..i need a break from all the stress that's been happening in my life..sometimes i just wish people who talks to me..text me..or just asks me questions would tell me what's going on and be more frank with me... why do they have to just ask n if i give them short replies..they just said nvm..forget it..you know that curiosity kills the cat..well...i may not be a cat but still curiosity just kills me coz i hate guessing and forgetting
about it kind of thingy...you know this just frustrates me ...i just can't stand laziness smts and blurness so as slowness in reactions?!...smtym im just rushing for time and i dont have much time to wait...i may sometimes be a very impatient person..im always on the go when things get hectic for me...you know who you are...im talking about you...!.i just wished i dont have to ignore my frens and hurt their feelings inside..im not someone who does not care...coz i do care?!..im sensitive as well...n if you think im arrogant well...im just sorry it happened to you...hrm...im just tired...need a break...wished i didnt have to worry so much about this..ive got enough things going in my mind...

what's wrong has been added above...
i wish i had the answers to my questions...all that is happening in my mind...i just wished i knew...hrm...let's just leave it to time ... i love all those who loves God...because God loves all His children...for only those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Son of God...no one goes to the Father except through Him...no one seems to take Him seriously..how foolish...i just want to see what happens next...take care...